Lyrics page on Lundberg Music Amateur Center Sweden (LMACS)


Bengt Lundberg

Steped in-to one of those hip bars
the kind with dis-co-mus-ic on high.
Was a-bout to or-der a beer
and there she stood, oh me oh my.

A pret-ty face and the hair styled
ac-cord-ing to the lat-est fash-ion.
One could see that she was in good train
musc-les all ov-er and strong ac-tion.

You should see the danc-ing bar-tend-er,
she turns you in-to a big-spend-er.
When she moves her hips you sur-rend-er
and buy a drink or a beer from her.

As she moved be-tween the cust-om-ers
she let the mus-ic move her bo-dy.
A litt-le strain in her bot-tom musc-les
made me stay put, read-y and stead-y.

As she stretched her thigh out a bit
she could as well had giv-en me a hit.
She came at me and I had to raise
my eyes, not ea-sy done I ad-mit.

You should see the danc-ing bar-tend-er,
she turns you in-to a big-spend-er.
When she moves her hips you sur-rend-er
and buy a drink or a beer from her.

With a twink-le in her eyes she took
a step back and forth whi-le smil-ing.
I could'-nt help be-ing af-fect-ed of her
dance, was close to fad-ing.

I had to hold on to the bar.
I let her know that I liked her style,
with ex-cit-ed voice and a sil-ly smile.
This was re-peat-ed for quite a while.

You should see the danc-ing bar-tend-er,
she turns you in-to a big-spend-er.
When she moves her hips you sur-rend-er
and buy a drink or a beer from her.

As the night went on she was gazed at
from all quart-ers, e-speci-al-ly when
she had to dance out to a tab-le
with a tray, eve-ry now and then.

When the red sun raised and ev-e-ry-one
went home to their re-si-denc-es,
I saw the big att-rac-tion went home,
a-lone. A-gainst all com-mon senc-es.

You should see the danc-ing bar-tend-er,
she turns you in-to a big-spend-er.
When she moves her hips you sur-rend-er
and buy a drink or a beer from her.

You'll buy a drink or a beer from her.

© 1997-2016 Bengt Lundberg, Kungsör Sweden

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© 1997-2020 Bengt Lundberg, Kungsör Sweden